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Puppet/Mannequin Manipulation


This project is also a 2D visual creation but differs from Choice as all sounds are produced using objects of the everyday.

Version 1 Prototype:

Summary: The creation centers around the movement of a puppet mannequin and the sounds that it creates as it works through the discovery that it can move on its own— it performs a warm up exercise and then dives into a simple routine, ending the performance applauding itself and bowing to the audience.

The broader scope of this creation is to explore the connections between each frame of the drawing and everyday sounds that align with the on-screen movements without creating any obvious disruptions. This is also the first time I am using the Procreate animation tool where I was introduced to the frame by frame layering technique that helps with producing animation, or movable 2D illustrations. Therefore, I focused on utilizing and learning how to use the frame tools while making sure the movements of the puppet are connected to each other. I had a total of 119 layers.

I do not know a lot about puppetry, so all of its designed movements were envisioned through my own experiences in dance and movement, and considering the joints the puppet had on its body. However, I missed out on some important details on how strings interact with each movement and how joints are positioned on a mannequin/puppet's body. Because of this, I did some research and looked at some videos of puppets and redrew the creation, hence another copy prototype was created.

Version 2 Prototype:

In both versions, choreography and sounds all stay the same, while the illustrative aspects differ. This time, the arms are connected through 2 joints rather than a full, flimsy, long piece of an arm, and the strings are also adapted to be loose while the puppet stays static or is positioned closer to the floor and tight when it is up and moving.

Below are sounds that were recorded and used for this creation:

Movements- BBQ tong clanking together

Specific jumps- microwave beeping, plastic air bubbles popping from an unopened package, my hands clapping

The final sound and on-screen editing of this creation was put together using iMovie Version 3.0.2.


Furthur Resources:

Talk about Art. Nam June Paik. Long Story Short. Part 1. YouTube July 10, 2022.

Talk about Art. “Nam June Paik. Long Story Short” Part 2. YouTube July 20, 2022.

Talk about Art. “Graffiti Art. Overview”. YouTube June 3, 2022.



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